Visa on Arrival for Maldivian Passports

If you are a Maldivian citizen, you can get a visa on arrival for the 27 countries listed below:

  1. Bahrain
  2. Bhutan
  3. Bolivia
  4. Burundi
  5. Cabo Verde
  6. Comoros
  7. Egypt
  8. Guinea-Bissau
  9. Indonesia
  10. Jordan
  11. Laos
  12. Macau
  13. Madagascar
  14. Mauritania
  15. Mozambique
  16. Nepal
  17. Nicaragua
  18. Palau
  19. Rwanda
  20. Saudi Arabia
  21. Solomon Islands
  22. Somalia
  23. Sri Lanka
  24. Saint Helena
  25. Tanzania
  26. Timor-Leste
  27. Tuvalu

You receive a visa on arrival (VOA) after entering the country that issues such a visa. Usually, there is a separate section at the airport where you can submit your application for your visa on arrival.

މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ފޮރިން އެފެއާޒް,މާލެ، ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ،20077 |ފޯން ނަންބަރު: 3323400-00960 | ހޮޓްލައިން: 7983400-00960