
Statement by the Government of Maldives condemning the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli Forces

These actions by the Israeli forces are a blatant violation of international law and relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly. Such actions undermine efforts to achieve a lasting resolution to the conflict and the efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region.

The Government and the people of Maldives stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and assure firm support for their legitimate and just struggle to achieve a free, independent and sovereign State of Palestine. The Maldives reiterates its steadfast commitment to work closely with the international community to advocate for the cause of the Palestinians.

A lasting, peaceful resolution of the conflict can only be realized through a two-state solution, with an independent and sovereign State of Palestine, based on the pre 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ފޮރިން އެފެއާޒް,މާލެ، ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ،20077 |ފޯން ނަންބަރު: 3323400-00960 | ހޮޓްލައިން: 7983400-00960