
Statement by the Government of Maldives

The Government of Maldives wishes to state that the recent meeting between the High Commissioner of Maldives in Pakistan and a representative of Afghanistan in Islamabad, was not sanctioned by the Government of Maldives. Consequently, appropriate action has been taken by the Government of Maldives. 

The Government of Maldives is guided by the practice followed by the United Nations General Assembly when questions arise about the representative character of a government. Consistent with this practice, the Maldives recognises the Government representing Afghanistan at the United Nations as the legitimate Government of Afghanistan.


މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ފޮރިން އެފެއާޒް,މާލެ، ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ،20077 |ފޯން ނަންބަރު: 3323400-00960 | ހޮޓްލައިން: 7983400-00960