
Remarks by His Excellency Moosa Zameer, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the Open-ended Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) at the level of Foreign Ministers

بِسْمِ االلهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَِّحیْمِ

Minister of Foreign Affairs of International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad and the Chair of the 15th Islamic Summit, His Excellency Dr. Mamadou Tangara,

Honourable Ministers, Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

السََّلامُ عَلَیْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ االلهِ وَبَرَكَ اتُھُ

At the very outset, allow me to express my profound appreciation to the OIC Executive Committee for convening this timely meeting at the invitation of the State of Palestine and the Republic of Iran.

I also take this opportunity to condemn the assassination of Chief of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh in Iran.

Iran’s sovereignty must be fully respected by all. This is essential for the stability of the region.


Ten months on, and Israeli forces continue with its genocidal acts in Gaza.

The situation on the ground is nowhere near where it should be, with countless deaths, countless destructions, and countless more displaced.

Yet progress made to end the violence falls far short of what is needed.

The spill over risk of Gaza genocide is now beyond the Middle East. This is now evident with the recent air strikes in Lebanon.

What is disappointing is that international law and international humanitarian law is being challenged without any repercussions.


The rule of law is under serious threat.

We, as the international community are responsible for ensuring that the acts of brutality being committed by Israel is held accountable. No party to any conflict must be above the law.

We, as the international community are responsible for ensuring that Israel adheres to the international law and international humanitarian law, particularly the ICJ rulings.

We, as the torchbearers of the international community, are responsible for ensuring peace and security, in Gaza. In Palestine. And in the Middle East.


What is most urgent is an immediate and permanent humanitarian ceasefire. The humanitarian corridors must be opened for the safe passage of urgently needed basic services.

Incremental progress of aid to Gaza is no longer enough. We must ensure safe collection and distribution of adequate aid by humanitarian convoys. This is essential for Palestinians and Palestine’s continued existence.

The Maldives commitment to the Palestinian cause will never waiver. We have been a strong advocate for the people of Palestine and their aspiration for statehood. And we will continue to voice justice for the Palestinians even louder at home and beyond.


The Maldives submitted a written statement and delivered an oral submission before the ICJ in the proceedings lodged by the UNGA resolution on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s occupation of Palestine. The Maldives also intends to file a declaration of intervention concerning South Africa’s case against Israel. And we will
continue to follow and actively engage in these cases in support of Palestine.

While the recent advisory opinion rendered by the Court and the diplomatic efforts to implement a permanent ceasefire is a welcoming step; for lasting peace, Palestine must be established as an independent and sovereign state based on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. This can only be a reality through dialogue, compromise and cooperation.


Our source of strength comes from our faith, which promotes peace, unity, and coexistence. We must honor these values by upholding them not just when it is easy, but when it is hard.

And this is what makes us different from those whom that are at war with our Ummah.

Now is the time to deliver on our founding mission, our enshrined ideals and the very essence of our unity and strength – the cause of Palestine.

I thank you.


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