Minister of State for Foreign Affairs attended the 4th China-South Asia Cooperation Forum

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Ahmed Khaleel attended and delivered a statement on behalf of the Government of Maldives at the 4th China-South Asia Cooperation Forum. The Forum, under the theme "Pragmatic Cooperation for Shared Development" was held today in Kunming, Yunnan Province in the People’s Republic of China as a part of the 7th China-South Asia Expo and the 27th China Kunming Import and Export Fair. 
During his statement, State Minister Khaleel highlighted that the Maldives and China shares a strong foundation of historic links, principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, and mutual respect in order to pursue a people-centric approach to our relations. He also reiterated Maldives’ appreciation to the Chinese government and people for their ongoing support and assistance extended to the Maldives. 

State Minister Khaleel was accompanied by the Ambassador of Maldives to the People’s Republic of China Her Excellency Aishath Azeema, and Assistant Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mariyam Suha.


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