
The New Ambassador of Maldives to Bhutan Presents Credentials to the King of Bhutan

The New Non-Resident Ambassador of the Republic of Maldives to the Kingdom of Bhutan, His Excellency Ibrahim Shaheeb, presented his Letter of Credence to the King of Bhutan, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, at a ceremony held in the Grand Kuenray at Tashichhodzong, this morning.

Maldives and European Union sign the Financing Agreement to launch the initiative on strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption in the Maldives

The Maldives and European Union officially launched a new flagship initiative to strengthen the rule of law and anti-corruption in the Maldives, at the sidelines of the 4th Maldives EU Senior Officials Meeting in Brussels today. This five year programme, funded by the European Union for a total amount of EUR 5 million (MVR 83 million), is based on the Maldives’ priority needs and reforms, and will be implemented in close partnership with all relevant actors from the justice and anti-corruption sectors.

The European Union and the Maldives hold the 4th Senior Officials Meeting

The Fourth Senior Officials Meeting between the European Union (EU) and the Maldives was held in Brussels on 13 June 2023.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fathulla Jameel Building, Malé, 20077, Republic of Maldives, | Tel Number: 00960 332-3400  |  Emergency Contact: 00960 798-3400