Conventions and Treaties


Organization Of African, Carribean And Pacific States (OACPS)

Note: An asterisk indicates that a treaty has either expired, been terminated, has been superseded by a subsequent agreement or has been amended.
(Updated on 5 April 2023)

# Treaty/ Convention/ Agreement Date and place of adoption Date of Signature Ratification(R)/ Accession (a)/ Acceptance(A)/ Approval (Ap)/ Participation(P)/ Succession(S)
223 The Revised George Town Agreement Organization of African Caribbean and Pacific States 2019, Nairobi 12/9/2023 [a]
224 Partnership Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Members of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States, of the other part (SAMOA Agreement) 1 July 2024, Brussels 1 July 2024 [a]

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