
Message from His Excellency Moosa Zameer, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the occasion of the 59th Anniversary of Maldives Membership at the United Nations

"Today, the Maldives is celebrating its 59th anniversary as a Member State of the United Nations (UN) – a steadfast and trusted partner that lent a helping hand to the newly independent state questing for recognition. Our admission to membership of the UN is a success story, from overcoming the uncertainty of the ability of “micro” states to fulfil the obligations of the UN Charter, to making significant contributions to the UN system and serving in its most prestigious platforms. The Maldives has continued to pave the way for other small states.

The pillars of the UN Charter – peace and security, human rights, rule of law and development – are also the values and goals the Maldives aspires to in the application of our foreign policy. We are a champion of multilateralism, a leading advocate for climate action, a promoter of human rights, and a staunch supporter of sustainable development. This has guided our engagement at the UN. 

Yet, outdated global systems, financing gaps, economic inequality and the digital divide continue to drown us. Impacts of climate change continue to threaten the most vulnerable among us. New and protracted conflicts continue to test our multilateral system. In order to address these challenges, we need a United Nations that is fit to face the surging seas head on. A United Nations that is representative, acts in real time, and delivers for the people. This is the vision for the United Nations the Maldives aims to achieve. 

As we celebrate 59 years in the UN, we stand ready to deliver on the promise of a more peaceful, inclusive and sustainable future for the Maldivian people, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and the world."

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fathulla Jameel Building, Malé, 20077, Republic of Maldives, | Tel Number: 00960 332-3400  |  Emergency Contact: 00960 798-3400