
Remarks by His Excellency Abdulla Shahid, Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Signing Ceremony of the Project “"Protecting Women and Children" Digitalising and streamlining social services, and creating a unified platform for national care,” under the Secr

Ms. Catherine Haswell, the United Nations Resident Coordinator; Ms. Akiko Fujii, Resident Representative of UNDP; State Minister Ahmed Khaleel; Foreign Secretary Abdul Ghafoor Mohamed;

Colleagues, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen Assalaam Alaikum, and a very good afternoon to you all.

Let me begin by extending a very Happy New Year to everyone. 2020 was an extremely challenging year, but together we have overcome those unprecedented challenges, united for global solidarity and I am confident that we will continue to work in the same spirit to make 2021 a better year. I wish you all the very best in your efforts.

Today, I am delighted to see you all join me and Ms. Catherine Haswell, the UN Resident Coordinator to witness the signing ceremony of the project “Protecting Women and Children: Digitalising and streamlining social services, and creating a unified platform for national care”. This is the second project assistance we have received under the Secretary General’s UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund.

As you are all aware, COVID-19 has backtracked the progress we have made on many important areas. It has challenged economies, health systems and social protection systems, causing to amplify the existing inequalities affecting the vulnerable populations. The Maldives has been affected disproportionately. The World Bank has predicted that the Maldives is one of the hardest hit countries in the region. A recent Global ESTA assessment ranks Maldives as the fifth worst globally hit as per impact on GDP. With Allah’s Grace, we have been able to contain the spread of the virus and the tourism sector shows recovery signs, but it will take time for the sector to fully recover to pre-pandemic level.

I express my deep appreciation to His Excellency Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, for the access to the UN's COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund. I am pleased that Maldives is one of the few countries that was able to receive support twice under the Multi-Partner Trust Fund. This is due to the commitment and perseverance of the UN Country Team and the stakeholders’ team that were working behind the scene.

This project, which is valued at Four Hundred and Fifty-Two Thousand Five Hundred US Dollars, will support the Government to develop a National Social Protection Policy, to address the needs of all, especially the vulnerable population groups. The project will assist in creating a conducive environment that favour women to participate in economic activities and promote desirable change in the social systems. It will also change social norms to prevent gender-based violence, increase access to reproductive health and increase women’s empowerment. With the increase in access to digital technology, it will expand the essential public services through digital solutions. It will also support the local councils to build capacity and strengthen data collection.

I would like to reiterate and appreciate our strong cooperation with the UN system in the Maldives. UN is a key player for our development. Across all the challenges that we have faced as a small island nation to become a strong voice in the global stage, UN has been a guide and an advisor to us. The Government values tremendously, the support we have received for the recovery efforts of the COVID-19 pandemic. A lot of hard work has been done. A lot of hard work still continues. I also sincerely thank the UN Resident Coordinator and her team, for the support extended to the Government to prepare the project proposals and submit them on time.

Once again, on behalf of President Solih, the people and the Government of Maldives, I extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the United Nations and to you, Catherine, for being a trusted partner and friend of the Maldives.

I thank you.

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