
The Maldives urges the UN Security Council to act with greater urgency in the face of the climate emergency

Ref: 2024/PR/35

The Maldives urges the United Nations Security Council to act with greater urgency in the face of the ongoing climate emergency, at the Security Council’s open debate on ‘The impact of climate change and food insecurity on the maintenance of international peace and security’. The debate was held at the UN Headquarters in New York on Wednesday, 14 February 2024, and the Maldives statement was delivered by Chargé d'affaires Dr. Ali Naseer Mohamed. 

In his statement, Chargé d'affaires Mohamed noted that the Maldives has consistently highlighted the security dimension of climate change and urged the Council to act decisively and urgently to reduce emissions and compensate for the victims of climate change.

Chargé d’affaires Mohamed reiterated that SIDS are the first and hardest hit by the impacts of climate change, having to contend with challenges which directly affect people’s livelihoods and aggravate the SIDS’ existing vulnerabilities. He emphasized that climate change has cross-cutting implications for the international community as a whole and noted that countries with less developed economies and growing populations, including the LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS, are disproportionately affected while being the least responsible for the crisis.


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