
The Government of Maldives calls for an immediate ceasefire at a side event hosted by the State of Palestine in Geneva

The Government of Maldives calls for an immediate ceasefire at a side event hosted by the State of Palestine in Geneva

Ambassador at Large, Mohamed Hussain Shareef, participated in the side event hosted by the Permanent Mission of Palestine during the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

In his statement Ambassador Shareef emphasized the renewed significance of the UDHR in the face of interconnected challenges, serving as a beacon for liberation, freedom, and justice.

Ambassador Shareef emphasized that the celebration is, however, overshadowed by the dire situation in Palestine, where Israel's current military aggression directly challenges the principles enshrined in the UDHR. Expressing deep sorrow for the people in Palestine, who are being deprived of their human rights, he highlighted the ongoing humanitarian crisis. He underscored the urgency of addressing the indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations, essential infrastructure, and the devastating toll on innocent lives, particularly children.

Ambassador Shareef noted that, regrettably, Israel's actions, in clear violation of international humanitarian and human rights law, demonstrate a disregard for universally accepted ethical principles. He urged the international community not to be complicit in these crimes against humanity and emphasized the need for concerted efforts to prevent further actions that may amount to war crimes.

Ambassador Shareef reiterated the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, urgent provision of essential commodities, and an end to forced displacement.

Highlighting the urgency of the crisis, the Maldives called for a permanent solution through the establishment of a sovereign and independent Palestinian State. Ambassador Shareef urged Israel to end the illegal occupation and called on the international community to intensify efforts toward a political solution, recognizing Palestine within pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

As the world observes the 75th Anniversary of the UDHR and the 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, Ambassador Shareef reiterated the Maldives' steadfast commitment to the Palestinian people's pursuit of their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination.


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