
President Muizzu welcomes decision of International Court of Justice calling on Israel to prevent genocide and incitement of genocide in the Gaza Strip

Ref: 2024/PR/18

President of Maldives Dr Mohamed Muizzu has welcomed the order of preliminary measures by the International Court of Justice on the application submitted by South Africa requesting to declare that Israel is in breach of the 1948 “Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”. 

The ICJ in its decision today, ordered Israel to take all measures to prevent the commission of genocide in the Gaza Strip, including ensuring that its military does not commit such acts. The Court also ordered Israel to prevent and punish all incitement to genocide, and to take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance in the Gaza Strip.

The President further stated that Israel needs to stop the killings in Gaza and implement an immediate ceasefire. He noted that every human life has value, which needs to be protected. And that bombings, displacement and apartheid will not bring peace. 
The Government of Maldives calls on Israel to abide by all provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice and adhere to international law.
The Maldives stands with the people of Palestine and believes that a just and lasting solution can only be achieved through the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State with pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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