
Non-Resident Ambassador of Maldives to Palestine presents Credentials to the President of the State of Palestine

Non-Resident Ambassador of Maldives to Palestine presents Credentials to the President of the State of Palestine

Ambassador Mohamed Khaleel, presented his Letter of Credence to His Excellency Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, as the Non-Resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Maldives to the State of Palestine, at a ceremony held at the Palestine Embassy in the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan today.

After the presentation of credentials, President Abbas welcomed Ambassador Khaleel and wished him success in undertaking his duties as the Non-Resident Ambassador. He expressed gratitude and conveyed greetings and warm felicitations from President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to President Abbas, the Government, and the brotherly people of Palestine.

Ambassador Khaleel reiterated the unwavering support and solidarity of the Government and people of Maldives with the brothers and sisters in Palestine. Conveying that the issue of Palestine is one that is held close to the heart of every single Maldivian, he reaffirmed the Government of Maldives’ firm position in support of a sovereign and independent Palestine established on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its Capital.

President Abbas acknowledged with appreciation, the special consideration accorded to Palestine by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and requested to convey his respectful regards to the President. He thanked the Government of Maldives for continuing to be a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause for self-determination and for promoting peace for the region. President Abbas also expressed his gratitude for the Maldives’ advocacy at the international fora to protect human rights and dignity of the Palestinian people.

Ambassador Mohamed Khaleel’s presentation of his Letter of Credence to President Mahmoud Abbas marks the first time an Ambassador of the Republic of Maldives has presented credentials to a Palestinian President. The Maldives and Palestine established diplomatic relations on 4 April 1982.

Ambassador Khaleel was accompanied by Third Secretary at the Embassy of the Republic of Maldives in Riyaadh, Saudi Arabia Ms. Mariyam Shafwa.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fathulla Jameel Building, Malé, 20077, Republic of Maldives, | Tel Number: 00960 332-3400  |  Emergency Contact: 00960 798-3400