
Minister Shahid speaks on the Maldives journey in establishing itself in the international arena, through its vulnerabilities and challenges at the Indian Council for World Affairs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Maldives, Abdulla Shahid, outlined how Maldives, as small State navigated the perils of international diplomacy through adapting and adjusting by means of successful strategies, while delivering the 43rd Sapru House Lecture at the Indian Council of World Affairs, on the topic “The Power of Small: The Maldives Story”, today in New Delhi.

Minister Shahid spoke in detail about the pressing challenges faced by Small Island States like the Maldives in getting the opportunity to serve in significant roles at the multilateral arena. He reflected on the sentiment which arose when Maldives applied for membership of the United Nations with questioning about the ability to undertake the responsibilities of a responsible member of the international community and the capacity to engage constructively. Minister Shahid emphasized that the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter offered the small States an equal footing in multilateralism.

Minister Shahid also highlighted how Maldives began implementing an independent foreign policy immediately after signing independence in 1965; and how the Maldives adopted key strategies to adapt to the circumstances. He focused on the three approaches adopted by the Maldives, namely the “principled”, “pragmatic” and the “prioritization” approach which demonstrated how a small State can defend itself and their interests, and defend others infront of bigger States in global settings.

The 43rd Sapru House Lecture was introduced and moderated by Director General of the Indian Council of World Affairs, Ambassador Vijay Thakur Singh. The Indian Council for World Affairs is an Indian think tank that was established in 1943.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fathulla Jameel Building, Malé, 20077, Republic of Maldives, | Tel Number: 00960 332-3400  |  Emergency Contact: 00960 798-3400