
Minister Shahid sends Congratulatory Message to the New Foreign Minister of Malaysia

Minister Shahid sends Congratulatory Message to the New Foreign Minister of Malaysia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives, His Excellency Abdulla Shahid has sent a congratulatory message to YB Senator Datuk Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir on his appointment as the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malaysia.

Minister’s message reads as follows:

" It is with great pleasure that I extend to Your Excellency my heartfelt congratulations on your appointment as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia.

As close friends and partners, Maldives and Malaysia have been enjoying years of strong bilateral cooperation that have greatly contributed to our expanding partnership. Let me express my desire to work closely with you at bilateral and multilateral levels for the benefit of our two countries and peoples.

I am confident that with Your Excellency as the Foreign Minister, the Maldives-Malaysia partnership will usher in a new era of cooperation across a multitude of sectors, premised on the values of friendship, mutual respect, and understanding.

I look forward to meet with you and exchange views on the ways for us to further enhance our bilateral cooperation and friendship.

May Allah SWT bless you and your beautiful country with peace, prosperity, and happiness.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration. "

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