
Minister Shahid sends a message of felicitation to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on the occasion 75th anniversary of the World Health Organisation

Minister Shahid sends a message of felicitation

The Minister’s message reads as follows:

“It is with much pleasure I extend to you, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warm greetings and best wishes on behalf of the Government and people of Maldives, on the occasion of this year’s World Health Day, which also marks the 75th anniversary of World Health Organization (WHO).

This milestone presents us with another opportunity to reflect on the achievements and progress we have made in the past 7 decades. It gives us the chance to boost investment towards addressing the core global health challenges. It also gives us the opportunity to weigh up on what more we can do to realize our vision and make access to quality health care a reality for all.

The Maldives has enjoyed a long, fruitful and prosperous relationship with the WHO. WHO was the first UN agency to open an office in the Maldives in February 1965, having been active in the country even prior to independence. Our close partnership over the past five decades has enabled Maldives to achieve great strides in health outcomes, and a healthy society. We are immensely grateful for the support provided by WHO over the years. More recently, WHO support in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic was invaluable, including in strengthening our national health system, and mobilizing resources for future pandemic preparedness.

I also wish to take this opportunity to convey my personal good wishes for your health and well-being, and for the success of WHO’s journey to achieve Health For All.

Please accept, Director General, the assurances of my highest consideration.”

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