
Message from His Excellency Abdulla Shahid, Minister of Foreign Affairs on United Nations Day

Today, we celebrate the 78th anniversary of the adoption of the Charter of the United Nations. Over these years, the United Nations Charter has served as the foundation of the global code of conduct. The Charter outlines the principles of equality, justice, and respect for all nations, regardless of their size or power.

This year’s United Nations Day celebration serves as a poignant reminder of the organizations' unwavering commitment to global cooperation and peace; a beacon of hope especially at a time when the world continues to face tremendous challenges. In particular, the escalating situation in Palestine today, is deeply concerning and demands unwavering international commitment and cooperation. The war in Ukraine, and its related consequences are a cause of worry. The climate crisis looms over the fate of present and future generations. The UN's role is pivotal in advocating for just and lasting solutions.

For the Maldives, the United Nations has been a platform to advocate for issues close to home, most importantly on climate change, gender equality, good governance and the promotion and protection of human rights. A platform that continues to support the social and economic transformation of the Maldives, to deliver an equal, inclusive, democratic, peaceful and resilient society. The United Nations has provided multiple avenues for us to increase international cooperation on shared interests in creating a more sustainable world for us all.

We take great pride in having been given the opportunity to occupy prominent roles in the United Nations. Most recently, our Presidency of the United Nations General Assembly, and our role as a member of the Human Rights Council, including serving as the Vice President from the Asia Pacific Group on the Council. These opportunities have paved the way for the Maldives to stand tall, and on equal footing with the rest of the world.

On this day, as we celebrate 78 years of the United Nations, the Maldives re-affirms its commitment to the United Nations, and its Charter and to promoting the spirit of multilateralism in addressing the challenges we face and building a better world for generations to come. To strive to create a more just and equitable world where no one is left behind.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fathulla Jameel Building, Malé, 20077, Republic of Maldives, | Tel Number: 00960 332-3400  |  Emergency Contact: 00960 798-3400