
Maldives delivered a statement at the UNSC Open Debate on the Situation in the Middle East Including the Palestinian Question

Maldives delivered a statement at the UNSC Open Debate on the Situation in the Middle East Including the Palestinian Question

Deputy Permanent Representative Dr. Ibrahim Zuhuree delivered a statement at the UNSC Open Debate on ‘the Situation in the Middle East Including the Palestinian Question’ on Wednesday, 18 January 2023. The Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland briefed the meeting.

In his statement, DPR Zuhuree alerted that on 3rd January, Itamar Ben-Gvir, the recently appointed Israeli National Security Minister, stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque with a large contingent of forces. Emphasizing that the Maldivian Government denounces this highly provocative action, he noted forceful entry violates all norms, escalates tension around the Holy Sites, provokes violence, and threatens to change the identity and legal and historic status quo of Al-Haram Al-Sharif.

DPR Zuhuree stated that Israeli actions, in occupied territories, violate international and humanitarian law and threaten the peace and security of the Middle East. He remarked that the people of Palestine have been suffering under Israeli occupation despite several Security Council resolutions and despite broad international condemnation. “It is critical that the perpetrators of blatant violations of international law and international humanitarian law are held accountable for their actions,” he said.

Further, DPR Zuhuree reiterated Maldives’ steadfast support for any resolution which outlines the formation of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine established on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. He said the Maldives firmly believe this is the only viable solution to ensure an end to the conflict so that the people of both Palestine and Israel can enjoy meaningful and enduring peace and live side by side with dignity.

Concluding his statement, DPR Zuhuree appealed to the UNSC and the international community to undertake urgent efforts to find long-term solutions to improve stability across the region and lay the foundations for lasting peace in the Middle East.

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