
Foreign Secretary Latheef calls for stronger efforts to address challenges hindering women’s progress and empowerment

Foreign Secretary Latheef calls for stronger efforts to address challenges hindering women’s progress and empowerment

Foreign Secretary, Ahmed Latheef, today delivered remarks during the International Conference on Women in Islam being held in Jeddah from 6-8 November 2023.


In his remarks, Foreign Secretary Latheef addressed the common misconceptions about Islam and women and noted that Islam elevates the status of women, advocates for women’s empowerment and assures the respect women deserve.


He then briefed the meeting on the advancements the Maldives has made in advancing women’s rights, including through necessary legal reforms. In addition to this, he noted the success of initiatives launched to ensure equal access to education, combat domestic violence against women and strengthen family relations. He also listed Maldives’ active engagement and leading role in OIC Women Development Organization (WDO) as another achievement. Concluding his remarks, he called for stronger efforts to address challenges such as structural inequalities and sociocultural barriers that hinders women’s progress.


Foreign Secretary Latheef was accompanied by the Minister of State for Gender, Family and Social Services, Zifleen Hassan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Ambassador of the Republic of Maldives to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Khaleel, and Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mariyam Reesha.



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