
Foreign Minister Shahid sends Chinese Spring Festival and the New Year greetings to China

Foreign Minister Shahid sends Chinese Spring Festival and the New Year greetings to China

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, Abdulla Shahid sends a message of felicitations to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Qin Gang on the occasion of the Chinese Spring Festival and the New Year of the Rabbit.

Minister’s message reads as follows:

“On the joyous occasion of the celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival and the New Year of the Rabbit, I would like to extend warm felicitations and sincere good wishes to Your Excellency, the Government, and the friendly people of China.

I also see this as an occasion to express my appreciation and gratitude for the close cooperation and continued support extended by the Government of the People’s Republic of China over the past 5 decades. As we move beyond the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic relations which we commemorated in 2022, I remain confident that the long-standing ties of friendship and collaboration that we have shared over the past years will continue to deepen and strengthen into the future.

Let me also convey my personal best wishes for Your Excellency’s good health and success, and continued peace, progress and prosperity for the people of China.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.”

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